Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Finishing a good book/read always makes me feel sad..
As though someone dear has left..
Nevertheless, every good thing/person will come to an end one day..

Finished this good read from
Day one on it and I started talking to certain people around me, e.g. my housemate whom we have lived under one roof for a year but never spoken to each other..
It has also inspired me to write something again..

Somehow, as I noticed, penning it down generally makes u feel more positive and definitive..
Refreshing the good memories and moving on from a foul day..
It also serves as a good reminder on the own mission and vision in certain sense..
I'll try to keep the KPI of writing at least 3 posts per week. (SMART goal? :))

The blog has been abandoned for 2 years plus..
In case there is anyone who is still following me, I will try to bridge up the gap after my graduation till the present moment..

2 ice cubes:

phyee86 said...

i got follow your blog using google reader, and quite surprise to see your new post. haha.

Unknown said...

Now I know who my real loyal follower is.. (no derog)
I am touched! you have always been thr..
at least u bothered to post..